Common questions we encounter about program participation and methodology

What cost is involved?

Our services are covered through Alberta Health Services if you are a resident of Alberta, Canada.

How do you operate?

Most wellness seminars and group therapy are regularly scheduled and conducted through the Chinook Mall Medical Center.

Dr. Attalla will conduct an intake session with you prior to your attendance of regularily scheduled programs, and can then refer you for individual counsilling to the best resource for your situation, including our mental health nurse, physicians within our network or clinic, PCN psychologists or private counselling.

We can also arrange presentations at your location, please see our services page for more information.

Biological, social, psychological, spiritual: Which element should I work on first?

All of them!

Each element acts to reinforce the other, like a composite material.

You will be stronger overall if you pursue betterment in all areas rather than only those you believe are the problem.

Often, the most progress is found through the exploration of areas previously thought unimportant.

This exploration provides the clarity to see a problem in new way.

Why is spirituality a component of your approach?

The human mind has a tendency to seek evidence for all things, and for a depressed or anxious person, this can result in a feedback loop of negative self-assessment. If you can imagine, much energy is wasted in this process.

Hence, a leap of faith regarding ones right to exist in the world can act to disrupt this cycle and promote instead a sense of connectedness and love for all others.

And lastly, many psychological studies show positive correlation between having some form of spiritual connection with recovery and mental wellness.

We encourage 7 principles, detachment, acceptance, non-judgement, gratitude, powerlessness, hope and faith, and unconditional love.

These 7 principles do not contradict with any major religion or common teaching; We encourage you to seek out any interpretation of spirituality that is right for you in pursuit of realization of these 7 principles of mental wellness.

Why is detachment a component of your approach?

To truly appreciate and love something, we must acknowledge how little power we have to keep it.

Is there something wrong with me for seeking help?

Consider what a valuable opportunity it is that you are finally considering providing maintenance to the most valuable and complex tool in your possession.

As with any tool, the more you understand and maintain it, the more beautiful result it will give you.

This is nothing to be ashamed of.

I am not located in Alberta, or even Canada. Can I receive private counselling from Dr. Attalla?

Please use the contact form to let Dr. Attalla know your situation.